Control system upgrade

Improving control over your older bead mills

Retrofitting a new control system to your existing bead mill gives you total control, improving your product quality and productivity.

Control system upgrade

Improving control over your older bead mills

Retrofitting a new control system to your existing bead mill gives you total control, improving your product quality and productivity.

Complete or partial control system upgrades

Upgrading your mill with one of our state-of-the-art control systems gives you visual monitoring and total control. This retrofit, installed with minimum disruption, helps you boost productivity and improve product quality.

Facts about our state-of-the-art control system upgrade

Months warranty on exchange parts
Options for a complete or partial retrofit
100 %
Availability of spare parts

Choose a complete system overhaul with new cabinet wiring and operating panel or a partial system migration with a PLC system.

We can plan the retrofit around your production requirements. Once installed, the new control system helps you minimize unplanned interruptions

The new state-of-the-art touch screen display gives you monitoring and control over your processes to greatly improve product quality.

The intuitive interface will help you speed up batch control and give you access to vital information when needed.

As well as restoring your mill to its original performance levels, we also offer a 12-month warranty on all replacement parts.

Your benefits

Making our expertise work for you

Enhance productivity
By receiving vital information and timely alarm messages on the user-friendly operating panel.
Improve product quality
By easily monitoring processes and optimizing parameters on the intuitive control touch screen.
Increase system reliability
By seeing your mill return to its original performance levels and monitoring deviations to keep your production on track.
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Gupfenstrasse 5