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Pasta quality monitoring system


The PastaSense is a quality monitoring system that continually records raw material and pasta characteristics in-line along the entire production process. The system allows a quicker detection of quality deviations compared to infrequent manual sampling.

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Key benefits

Minimize waste
One hour of wasted pasta costs more than USD 2000. On average, saving 1% of waste for one year pays back the expenses for equipping two lines with PastaSense.
Consistent product quality
The PastaSense automatically measures color, protein, ash, and moisture content every three seconds.
Reduce analytical workload
Reduce repetitive routine operations like manual sampling and product analysis so you can focus on higher added-value activities.

Highlight features

Continuous monitoring

Produce constant product quality

Always stay in control of your product quality. PastaSense continually monitors characteristics that affect product quality, such as protein, ash, moisture, dark spots and the color of raw materials, pasta moisture, and the color of long-goods pasta. You can place the sensors at the raw material feeding and along the entire drying process including pre-drying, drying, stabilization, and cooling.

Automatic alerts

Minimize waste and reduce your analytical workload

Automatic alerts help to shorten reaction times and minimize production waste if quality deviations are detected. You can also reduce repetitive routine operations like manual sampling and product analysis.

Digital functions

Improve processes and product traceability

The PastaSense has a digital dashboard which displays past and present quality parameters. It compares different production lines and time periods and helps to benchmark and improve performance. It also compiles reports summarizing all the data from each production lot. So you can improve traceability and make quick decisions about product releases.

The probes and camera are not affected by dust, high temperatures, and vibration. Thus, the PastaSense can run reliably for long periods of time. You can also choose where to install them. So you can target the process step that matters most for your production.

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